Chamber of Commerce

Seaford Chamber of Commerce

01323 893040

The Seaford Chamber of Commerce is an independant and not for profit organisation

Results from other Towns

Newhaven Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce in Newhaven

Business-led membership organisation and business networking group run for members by members

Lewes Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce in Lewes

Established in 1935, Lewes Chamber of Commerce represents the voice of the business community in this thriving county town.

Peacehaven Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce in Peacehaven

The Peacehaven and District Chamber of Commerce is predominantly a business networking and support group


Other towns in the area
Bexhill-on-Sea, Eastbourne, Lewes, Newhaven, Peacehaven and Seaford.
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Seaford's Weather
  • Weather: Light Rain
  • Daytime Temp:
  • Overnight Temp: 11°C (51°F)
  • Wind Speed: 35mph
  • Humidity: 82%
  • UV Risk: 0

Lighting Times
  • Sunrise:
  • Sunset: 15:55